Annie Jackson, The Guardian
Jena P. Jones, Taxi Stand (Havana, Cuba)
N'Dieye Danavall, Cuba 5

Online: Artist's Talk

Run for the Border

Featuring work by: Catherine J. Alston, Afi Buffard, Charlene Clory, Sharon B. Dowdell, N'Dieye Gray Danavall, Annie Jackson, Jena P. Jones, Florence Lemon, Cynthia McCoy, Angeline Miller, Marilyn Nieves, Tiffany Powell, Kiplyn Primus, Furery Terriy Reid, Susan "Sue" Ross, Edna Spann

There will be artists talks for the artist represented in the Run for the Border Exhibition. The scheduled artists talks will be on Sundays from 5p-7p beginning Sunday, September 27: Afi Buffard, Angeline, Miller, Annie Jackson, Catherine J. Alston

Event URL: TBD
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