© Rose M Barron
© Rose M Barron
© Rose M Barron and Sandee M. Chamberlain

In-Person: Artist’s Talk

"Welcome to My Yoniverse" curated and directed by Rose M Barron features photography and multimedia works honoring the divine feminine

378 Gallery

Featuring work by: Rose M Barron, Sandee M. Chamberlain, Terry Coffey, Katherine Hillis, Emma Lathem, Gary Pearce, Becky Shanks

Curator and artist talk with alchemical sound meditation @sacredhumxn, Presents of Mind. with social distancing outside the gallery. Please RSVP at 378artgallery@gmail.com 404-530-9277

378 Gallery

Gallery hours are Fridays and Saturdays 12PM-6PM and by appointment.

Masks and social distancing required. Limited to 6 visitors at a time please.

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